Index of Usul Fiqh Methodology

Index: Alphabetical List of Al-Qawâid Al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Maxims) in Islamic Jurisprudence A conditional matter cannot be confirmed unless the conditi

Index of Usul Fiqh Methodology

 Book Title: Al-Qawâid Al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Maxims of Islamic Jurisprudence) A Translated Compilation (القواعد الفقهية)
Author: Islamic University of North America (Mishkib) Islamic Studies English Program
Publisher: Mishkah (مشكاة)
Year of Publication: 2013 AD - 1434 AH
Field of study: methodology of Islamic Law / Jurisprudence

Table of Contents 

  1. Index: Alphabetical List of Al-Qawâid Al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Maxims) in Islamic Jurisprudence
  2. Appendix I. Glossary
  3. Appendix II. Sources Consulted
  4. Back to: Legal Maxims of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul Fiqh) 



Alphabetical List of Al -Qawa 'id Al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Maxims) in Islamic Jurisprudence





Legal Maxims of Islamic Jurisprudence

A conditional matter



Al-mu 'alaq be ash-shart


cannot be confirmed unless the condition is confirmed

yajeb thubutuh  'inda thubut ash-shartt




A follower has no priority over its origin

A follower is not supposed

At-Tabi ' la yataqadam  'ala al-matbu '

At-tabi ' la yanfarid be



to be judged alone

A follower shadows its


At-Tabi ' tabi '








A general discourse is not restrained except by text or a connotation

A part of the indivisible

Al -mutlaq yajri  'ala itlaqih ma lam yaqm dalil at-taqyid nussa aw dalalah

Dhikr ba 'dd ma la yutajazz '


discourse symbolizes the entire discourse

kadhikr kullih





No argument with possibility arising from the evidence

A short response includes

La Hujjah ma 'a al-ihtimal an-nashi 'e 'ann dalil


As-su 'al mu 'adufi al-jawab



features of the question Accidental tradition is not

aw kal-mu 'ad

La  'ibrah be al- 'urf at-tari


considered; accepted tradition, which discourse

or al- 'urf allathi tuhmal 'alaih al-alfaz innama


P. no.



is understood by, is the        huwa al-muqarin as-sabeq

concomitant and earlier       duna al-mut 'akher al-lahuq

tradition not the subsequent and later tradition

10.     Acts are judged by the           Al-umur be maqasidih

intention behind them                                         81

11      Addition is better than        At-ta 'sisaw/a men at-ta 'kid

assertion                                 208

12.          If the origin is null and       At-tabi ' yasqut be suqut al-

void, the follower is too                      matbu '                           219

13.    The origin may be eroded;     Qadd yathbut al-far ' ma 'a

yet its follower may not                   suqut al-asl                          221

14.              An unfeasible matter          Al -miysur la yasqut be al-

cannot entirely overwhelm                    ma 'sur

a feasible one

15.     An unfeasible widespread        Al-mumtani ' 'adah kal-

matter resembles a                 mumtani ' haqiqah

subjectively impossible matter

16.         Antecedent judgment is      Al-as! baqa ' ma kan 'ala ma

supposed to stay as it was                       kan        286

17. Do oaths lean on discourses    Hall al-aiyman mabniyyah

or purposes?                  'ala al-Alfaz aw  'ala al- 94


18    Authorization precludes

liability                    Al -jawaz ash-shar 'iyyunafi

ad-daman            243


Avoiding detriment takes

Dar ' al-mafasid awla men


precedence over bringing about benefit

}alb al-masalih



20.        Avowal is finite proof

Al-iqrar hujjah qasirah    237

21.      Avowal is not demurred by       Al-iqrar la yartad be ar-

the admittee                                      radd                          239

22.              Avower cannot deny his

avowal                           Mann sa 'a fl naqd ma

tamm menjihatih fa  sa 'ih                   241
mardud  'alaih

23.           Certainty is not overruled        Al -yaqin la yazul be ash-

by doubt                                        shakk                        101

24.                                 The committer is

answerable for his deed          Yudaf al-fe 'I ila al-fa 'ii la

except under duress

al-amir ma lam yakun    255


25.        Common attitude and                 Innama tu 'tabr al- 'adah prevailing habit is Hujjah;     idha id-dtaradat aw ghalabt infrequent and exceptional

acts are not considered

26.                   Custom is the Basis of             Al- 'adah muhakkamah



Judgment                             268

27.             Description  of an absent        AL-Wasf fi al-hadir laghw

object -not the present one-        waft al-gha 'ib mu 'tabr

Is required

28.     Does  intention  particularize       Hall an-niyyah tukhasses a general discourse or                    al-lafz al- 'amm aw generalize  a particular          tu 'ammem al-Lafz al-khass


29.               Donation is not fulfilled

except after receiving           La yatemm at-tabarru ' ilia                                         250

be al-qabd

30.                   Facing private harm is           Yutahammal ad-darar al-

tolerated than facing public      khass le daf ' ad-darar al-                                                       165

harm                                       'a"mm

31.              General text remains till            Al - 'ammyabqq  'ala

evidence particularizes it       'umumih ila ann yarid  dalil


32.     General/Particular need can    Al -Hajah tanzil manzil ad-

develop into necessity             darurah  'ammah aw  145


33.                      In principle, any new         Al -asl idafit al-hadath illa

events shall be regarded as              aqrab  awqatih

happening at the nearest time to the present

34.                      Hardship begets ease           Al-mashaqqah  tajleb at- 130


35.      Harm should be avoided as   Ad -darar yudfa ' be qadr al-

much as possible                             imkan                         159

36.      Harm should be eliminated              Ad -darar yuzal 161

37.                          Harm should not be            Ad -darar la yuzal be ad-

overruled by another harm    darar or d-darar la yuzal  be

or by the same harm                         mithlih

38.    ljtihad Is Not Abrogated by


Its Like

Al -ijtihad la yunqad  be



39.           ljtihad is not permissible        La masagh le al-ijtihad ft

when there is text                    mawred  an-nuss                      258

40.      If a person has no intention      Hall  al-aiyman mabniyyh

or aim to take an oath, are                 'ala al- 'urf ?


the words employed in

oaths built on tradition?

41.              Does an oath rely on the        Hall al-ayman 'ala niyyat

intention of the one who        al-ha/if aw  'ala niyat al-

swears or on the intention                  mustahlif?

of the one who adjures another person to swear?

42.    It is undeniable that rules of   La yunkar taghair al-ahkam

law vary with change of            be taghair al-azman




In principle, legal sexual

Al-asl fl al-abdd ' at-tahrim





intercourse is absolutely forbidden except legal ones Non-Liability or man Is



Al-as! bard 'tudh-dhemmah


absolved from guilt, blame or responsibility for any wrong deed in principle

45.          Man is responsible for his


avowal                      Al -mar ' mu 'akhadh be                                235


46.      Necessities have limits that       Ad -darurah tuqadar be

should not be exceeded       qadariha or ma ubih le ad-

darurah yuqadar be qadariha

47.                                Necessity renders                Ad -darurat tubih al-


prohibited matters                         mahzurat                          139


48.                      No gain without pain 245

Al -kharaj be ad-daman

49.           Do not Harm, and Do not          La darar wa la dirar

Reciprocate Harm                                       154

50.      Harm should be eliminated              Ad -darar yuzal 161

51.           No one person is allowed

to dominate others'             Al-amr be at-tasarrof ft


melk al-ghair batil     257

52.           No one person is allowed          La yajuz le ahad ann

to dominate others'          yatasarraf  ft melk al-ghair

property except by their       awft  haqqih illa be idhnnih

perrmss 1on

53  Occasional descriptions or    Al -asl al- 'adam aw al-asl ft

matters are not reliable in         as-sifat aw al-umur al-

principle                           'aredh al- 'adam

54.     Once a cause of ownership        Tabadul sabab al-melk

changes the owned object      qa 'im maqam tabadul adh-

changes                                    dhat

55.                 Outcomes are eyed by          An-nazar ft   ma 'alat Al-

Shari'ah                   af 'al mu 'tabr maqsud shr 'a                                    291

56.                  People's rights are not        Al-idtirar la yubtil  haqq al-

devoured owing to                           ghair


57.              Provisos are adhered as        Yalzam mura 'at ash-shart

much as possible                     be qadr al-imkan  274

58   Provisos of a follower are      Yughtafarft at-tawabi ' ma

more allowable than the          la yughtafr ft   ghairiha


59.   Rare and far imagination          La   'ibrah be at-tawahum


has no value in Shari'ah                      123

60.        Ruler's decisions must be           At-tasarruf  'ala ar-

in favor of the people            ra 'iyyah  manut be al-


61.     Severe harm is removed by     Ad -darar al-ashadd yuzal

lesser harm                    be ad-darar al-akhaff

62.        When detriment be mixed      Idha ta 'arad al-mani ' wa

with benefit, benefit is           al-muqtad yuqadam al-

deserted, except the benefit        mani ' ilia idha kan al-

is considerable                       muqtad a 'zam

63.   Should a duty not be                Ma lam yatemm al-wajib fulfilled except by a matter,        illa behfa huwa wajib the matter becomes a  duty

64.       Should something become       Majaz  le 'udhr batal be

legal by a valid excuse, it                     zawalih

becomes illegal when the                     144

excuse ends

65.     Should things, in principal,       Hal-asl fl al-ashiya ' al-

be permissible or                ibahah aw al-hurmah


66.                         The crucial point in          Al - 'ibrahfi al- 'uqud be al-

contracts is their goals and     maqasid wa al-ma 'an la be

meanings not their words          al-alfaz wa al-mabani  91

or forms

67.          The literal meaning takes          Al-asl fl al-kalam al-

priority over the figurative                   haqiqah


68.      The literal or metaphorical      I'mal al-kalam awla men

meaning is considered,                       ihmalih

rather than disregarded

69.    To relate words to one who       La yunsab le sakit qawl

does not speak is not           lakin as-sukut ft ma 'ared

allowable but                al-hajah illa bayan bayan                                               210

speechlessness in an urgent

situation is considered declaration

70.    Tradition and habit are          Isti 'ma! an-nas hujjah yajib hujjah (reliable proof or an              al- 'amal behd

authoritative source)

71.     Traditional or usual                    Al-haqiqah tutrak be meaning overrules literal              dalalat al- 'ddah meaning in case of dispute

72.         When literal meaning is         Idhd ta 'radat al-haqiqah

implicit and vague, we              yusar ila al-majaz

resort to the figurative one

73.         Usual signals given by a       Al -isharah al-ma 'hudah le


mute man symbolize         al-akhrass kal-bayan be al-                                        184

speaking                                   lisan

74.    Embezzlement cannot give

a right                      Laysa le 'irqq zd lim haqq                               250

75.                     Assured mistaken              La  'ibrah be az-zunn al-

conjecture has no value                baiyen khata 'uh     125

76.          What becomes a fact by         Ma  thabat be ash-Shar '

Shar' takes precedence over     muqadam  'ala ma thabat

what becomes a fact by a                be ash-shartt


77.       Nothing can be judged by        Md thabt 'ala khildf al-

what becomes real but          qiyas fa ghairuh la yuqas                                           281

against analogy                             'alaiyh

78.      What falls does not return

As-saqit la ya 'ud   247

79.      What is acknowledged by     Al-ma 'ruf 'urfa kal-mashrut

tradition or habit resembles      shartta or at-ta 'yin be al-

what is recognized by          'urf  kat-ta 'yin be an-nuss


80.             What is authenticated by         Ath-thabit be al-burhan

evidence like what is              kathabit be al- 'aiyan                       223

proved true by seeing

81.          What is unlawfully taken,

must be rendered back          'Ala al-yad ma akhadhat                      249

hatta  tu 'addiyah

82.                                  When a matter is                 Al -amr be ash-Shai '

commanded to be done, its         yaqtadi an-nahy  'ann

opposite is forbidden to be                     diddih


83.          When a matter tightens, it      Idha daq al-amr itasa ' wa

will widen and vice versa              idha  itasa ' daq   136

84.        When Al -Asl (that must be     Idha ta 'adhar al-asl yusar

first) is not available, we                  ila al-badal

proceed to Al -Badal                        150


85.            If no meaning can be            Idha ta 'athar  i 'ma! al-

attached to a word,                    kalam yuhmal

altogether to be disregarded

86.                           When something is           Idha batal ash-shai ' batal

nullified, its contents are                 mafi dimnih

also nullified

87.            Whatever is proved to be          Ma thabat be yaqin la

true with certainty, Can            yartaf ' ilia be yaqin  110

only be cancelled by proof

88.            Whatever is forbidden to         Ma hurrim akhdhuh aw

be taken, done or           fe '/uh aw isti 'ma/uh hurrim

employed; is forbidden to          i 'ta'uhaw talabuh aw

itikhadhuh     246

be given, requested or


89.       When someone rushes into      Mann Ista 'jal ash-shai 'a something before its due          qabl awdnih  'uqeb be time, he is punished by                     hermanih


90.       Whoever possesses a thing      Mann malak shai 'a malk

possesses its accessories         ma huwa men daruratih                                              218

91.               Writing is like speaking           Al-kitabah kal-khitab 183


Adella-tu-Juz 'iyyah or Tafsiliyyah

'Asr 'Awrah

'Aydn 'Azimah 'fbddah 'Jbaddt 'Jddah

 'Jim Darury

 'Ilmu Muktasab





'Urf 'Ushr


Habit, routine, practice, and so on.

Special texts (from the Qur'an and Sunnah), analogy and consensus indicate Hukm of a particular action (of a man). For example , Allah says, (yl Y...J &Ji :.lii l.J.:..l.J) (Allah allows trading and forbids usury); this Ayah is a detailing/partial proof a jurist has extracted a practical Hukm thereby i.e. permitting of trading and forbidding of usury.

Afternoon,  'Asr prayer time.

The part of the body which it is illegal to keep naked before others. 'Awrdh of man is between the navel and the knee, but 'Awrdh for woman is the whole body except face and hands. Also, Awrah means private parts, loins, genital organs, pudenda. View(ing), seeing, witnessing, and so on.

A duty imposed by Allah. Worship.

Acts to worship Allah.

A period is prescribed by Allah for divorce and marriage; a period of probation after the death of a woman's husband or after her divorce.

Inevitable knowledge needs no great deep examination or complicated study like Al- 'Jim Al­ M utawatir (consecutive knowledge) or the knowledge which comes to be known through the five senses (ears, eyes, tongue, nose and skin).

Acquired knowledge depends on limitless scrutiny to approve (evidence supporting) theories or notions that need to be conceivable, and so on.

Seclusion in Masjid (a mosque) for worshipping Allah.

Tradition, custom, institution, and so on.

'Ushr' (a 10% levy)

Adhkar or Idhkir Adil/ ah Shar 'iyyah



Ahkdm Juz 'iyyah Ahkam Kulliyyah Al-Asl


Amr Ashbah



Bai '-Al-ma 'dum Bayan

Bayyinah, Burhan or

Dal fl Bid 'ah

A kind of grass well-known for its good smell and is found in Hijaz, Saudi Arabia.

Shari'ah's sources, namely the Qur'an, the Sunnah and Ijmd '-there are other sources but there is no consensus on them.

Judgments of legal decision (especially of Allah) Minor issues or judgments.

Major issues or judgments.

Sometimes, means Ad-Dal fl (evidence) that people must resort to when Al-Ahkam  (judgments of legal decision (especially of Allah)) contradict  each other. Or origin, basis, principles, fundamental concepts, and so on.

Protection given by a Muslim conqueror to those who pay Jizyah.


The plural of 11shebh 11 or 11shabah 11 which literally means similitude and resemblance. However, practically it is a true collective description which if it is shared by Al-Asl (origin, basis, principles, fundamental concepts, and so on) and Al-far'-Al­ Fiqhiy (a branch of Fiqh ), both of them must be subjected to one rule only.

Plural of Wasq, which is  a measure  equal to  60 Sa 's.  1  Sa '=   3,25   kilograms   (approx)   and 60x 3.25=195 kgms., according to Hanafiyyah. However, Sa '= 2.04 kgms. And 60x 2.04=122.4 kgms., according to the majority of scholars.

An alternative.

A contract for non-existent things. Disclosure or revelation.

Proof,  evidence,  demonstration,  testimony, witness, and so on.

Heresy (or any innovated practice in religion).

Dalalah Dabit



Diyyah Faqfh Faqfr Farfdah Fiqh

Furu '-Al-Fiqh Furuq

Ghalabat-uz-Zunn Ghusl

Hadiyyah Hebah


Haddul-Qadhf Hadith Sahih [Authentic]

Hadith Hasan [Good]

Connotation, meaning, sense, signification, and so on.

Literally means a block which prevents different questions from coming through or a controller preserves something strictly. It,  however, practically means a total Fiqhiy rule which controls and includes more Furu ' Fiqhiyyah (varied branches of Fiqh) of one chapter of Fiqh.


A male, whom a woman can never marry because of close relationship (e.g. a brother, a father, an uncle and so on); or her own husband.

Blood money

A learned man who can give religious verdicts. The poor person who does not beg.

(Plural: Fard 'id) an enjoined duty. Jurisprudence.

Varied Fiqhiy questions or branches of Law (Plural of Farq) means a reparative matter. A strong probability.

(To take menses bath) or taking a bath m a ceremonial way. This is necessary for one who is Junub.

A gift or a present.

A deed of gift or to give someone gift, present, and so on, immediately and without exchange.

Punishment of eighty lashes for slander.

A Hadith whose chain of narrators has been transmitted by truly pious persons who are known for their uprightness and exactitude, and the hadith is free from eccentricity and blemish.

A Hadith whose chain of transmission is linked to the narration of an authority with weak exactitude, and the Hadith has no eccentricity or blemish.

Hadith Da'if [Weak]



Hajj-at-Tamattu  ' and Al-Qiran Hajr

Haram Haram





Hudud  and Ta 'zfr Hujjah

I'd rah J 'tiqdd Ihram

Ijarah Ijmd '

A Hadith that has no the criterion of the authentic Hadith nor the criterion of the good Hadith.


Hajj performed with  'Umrah preceding it.


Placing someone under  guardianship  after declaring him legally incompetent because of immaturity, insanity or servitude.

Sanctuaries of Makkah and Al-Madinah.

Unlawful, forbidden and punishable matter  from the viewpoint of religion.

Prohibition, forbiddance, and so on.

The transference of a debt from one person to another. It is an agreement whereby a debtor is released from a debt by another becoming responsible for it.

Fixed punishments by Shari'ah; or  Allah's boundary limits for Halal (lawful) and Haram (unlawful).

Fixed and discretionary punishments. Reliable proof or an authoritative source. Loan.


State of ritual consecration (of a Makkah pilgrim). A state in which one is prohibited to practice certain deeds that are lawful at other times. The ceremonies of 'Umrah and Hajj  are performed during such a case.

The use and enjoyment of property for a time, includes hire, rental, and lease.

Is the third foundation of Islamic legislation. Ijmd ' is the consent of all Muslim Mujtahidun on a legal question.  Mujtahid   is  a  Muslim  divine  of  the

highest degree of learning, a title usually conferred

Ijtihad Imamah


Iman Iqrar


Arsh Istidlal


by Muslim rulers . Ijmd ' has two kinds: (A) Ijmd ' Qawliy in which every  M ujtahid  should  declare the legal question. (B) Ijmd ' Sukutiy, when the majority of the Mujtahiudun signify their tacit assent to the opinions or the minority by "silence", without objection.

An independent judgment in legal question.

The Imamate, function or office of the Salah leader; leading position.

Faith, and trust in Allah.

Confession, acknowledgment, avowal, owmng, admission, and so on.

Estimated compensation to be given to injured person by another person.

Literally means asking for evidence or proof ; however, it practically (in this field) means giving evidence or proof which does not depend on a text (from the Qur'an or Sunnah)

To give a verdict with proof from one's heart (only) with satisfaction, and one cannot express it (only Abu Hanifah and his pupils say so but the rest of the Muslim religious scholars of the Sunnah (and they are the majority) do not agree to it.

Istis-hab                      The first state of a specific case or matter.

Istis-hab- Al-Hal          That we believe that something exists continuously

inasmuch as it surely existed before.

Istis-hab-Al- 'Umum    An authenticated matter (in the past) because of a

general  proof  must  stay  as  it  was  until  specific evidence comes to individualize it.


Jstisnd '

An authenticated matter (in the past) because of Nuss (a text from the Qur'an or the Sunnah) must stay as it was until abrogating Nuss comes to abrogate it.

Sale in the form of a contract for manufacture.

Ji 'dlah Jihad


Jimar Jiziyah

A reward given to a person for doing something. Fighting in the Cause of Allah or any other kind of effort to make Allah's Word superior.

The three pillars  at Mina,  at  which  the  Makkan pilgrims throw seven pebbles.

Head tax levied from the non-Muslims people (Jews and Christians, and so on) who are under the protection of a Muslim government.

Kafalatun- ben-Nafs    Bail (especially for due appearance of a person in


Kaffarah                      Religious  expiation  for  killing,  oaths  or  having

intercourse during the day in Ramadan.

Kaffarat-ul-Yam fn        Expiation of an unfulfilled oath.

Kaffarat-dh-Dhunub       Expiation of sins.


Kalam Mutlaq Kamaliyat



Khilaf-Al-A wla Khul '

Lafz Li 'dn

Discourse, words, speech, and so on. Unrestrained discourse.

Luxuries, articles of luxury; nonessentials, and so on.

(Options) such as Khiyar Al- 'Aib (the option of dissolving the contract on discovery of defect), or Khiyar Al-Ghabn (the option of deception).

To do something that is good but is not the optimum.

(A kind of divorce) the parting of a wife from her husband by giving him a certain compensation, or to return back the Mahr (dowry) which he gave her.


An oath that is taken by both the wife and the husband when he accuses his wife of committing illegal sexual intercourse. Li 'dn is a form of divorce which takes place under the following circumstances: If a man accuses his wife of adultery  and does not prove it by four witnesses,

Luqatah Ma 'ruf

Mafsadah Mahr



Maqasid  (the plural of Maqsid )

Mashe 'ah

Masalih Mursalah Maslahah

Matbu '


Mathfl Mawla

M iskfn Mubah


Mudd 'Muddrabah

he must swear before Allah that he is the teller of truth four times, and then add: "If I am a liar, may Allah curse me". The wife then says four times, "I swear before Allah that my husband lies, and then adds: "May Allah's anger be upon me if this man be a teller of truth". After this, a divorce takes place.

Lost property.

Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained.

A source of harm or ruin, or a reason of corruption or evil, harm, detriment, evil, and so on.

Bridal-money given by the husband to the wife at the time of marriage.

Not approved of, undesirable from the point of view of religion, although not punishable.

Intent(ion), purpose, design, aim, end, goal, object(ive).

("in shd 'aAllah"' (God willing)) Unspecified public interests.

Benefit, help, good, and so on.

Origin, principal, leader, independent, supenor, senior, and so on.


A person of slave origin who does not have tribal protection. It is a word with dual meaning. It can mean either master or servant.

The poor person who begs.

Permissible, permitted, allowable, allowed, admissible, lawful, legal, and so on.

A measure of two thirds of a kilogram (approx.) It

may less or more.

A contract of copartnership, of which the one party (namely  the proprietor)  is entitled  to  a profit  on

M uftiy M uhalil

Muhrim M ujtahid



Mumathalah Munazarah

account of the stock, he being denominated Rabb­ ul-mal, or proprietor of the stock, and the other party is entitled to a profit on account of his labor, and this last is denominated the mudarib (or manager). A contract of mudarabah cannot be established without participation in the profit.

Legist, jurisprudent ,jurist ,scholar, expert, and so on.

The man who marries an irrevocable divorcee in order to make her lawful for her former husband if he wishes to marry her. Moreover, this marriage, with no condition in the contract, is correct according to Hanafiyyah but correct  and disliked according to Shafi'iyyah . It, however, is Haram, even there is no condition on the contract, according to Malikiyyah and Hanabelah

One who assumes the state of Ihram for the purpose of performing the Hajj or 'Umrah.

An independent scholar.

Those who have reached majority  and  have  full use of intellect.

Exact equivalence.

not exact equivalence which necessitates sharing even in one aspect of a specific matter.


Munkar                        Polytheism,   disbelief     and    all    that                      Islam        has forbidden.

Mushabahah Mustahadah


Mutakalimun Mutlaq




A  woman  who  has  bleeding  from  the  womb  m between her ordinary periods.

Scholars trusted views.

Absolute;  unlimited,  unrestricted  matter,  and  so on.

Supererogatory Salah.

Nafl Nahyu


Nuss Nawazel Nazariyyah

Nazfr Nikah

Niyyah Qd 'idah

Qadhf Qadd '


Al-Qawd 'id Kulliyyah Kubra Al-Qawd 'id Kulliyyah Ghair Kubra


Supererogatory performance or optional worship. Prohibition,  interdiction,  forbiddance,  forbidding, and so on.

Text whether from the Qur'an or the Sunnah. New questions related to recent events.

Literally means theory or notion and practically refers to a group of imaginations or conceptions which are logically stuck together displaying the relations between results and premises.

An equal or a counterpart.

Literally means sexual intercourse; whereas, metaphorically it means marriage, according to Hanafiyyah.

Intent(ion), purpose, design or secret.


A total rule or case which includes all the Furn ' (varied branches of Fiqh) come beneath it or a major rule or case including the most Furn ' which flow beneath it.

Accusing a virtuous man or woman of adultery.

A matter which is fulfilled later, and it is the opposite of Add ' meaning a matter which is fulfilled immediately.

Shortening of prayer, to shorten the obligatory Salah of four Rak 'ah to two each, but the 'Jshd ' (Evening) and the Fajr (Early Morning) Salah remains unchanged.

Normative legal maxims.


Non-Normative Legal Maxims.



The direction in which all Muslims tum their faces in prayers and that direction is towards Ka'bah in




Quruhat Raj 'ah Rak 'ah


Riha (usury)

Riwayah Rukhsah


Ruku '

Makkah (Saudi Arabia).

(retaliation), is that punishment which, although fixed by the law, can be remitted by the person offended against, or, in the case of murdered person, by his heirs.

Verdicts and judgments given by the Islamic religious scholars. These are given on the following proofs respectively:- (A) From the Qur'an; (B) From the Prophet's "Sunnah."  (C) From the  unanimously  accepted  verdict  of  the M ujtahidun ; (D) Qiyas: i.e. the verdict given by a M ujtahid who considered the case similar in comparison with a case judged by the Prophet

.J "-;!k .&i . Qiyas is not to be practiced except if the judgment of the case is not found in the first three above mentioned proofs A,B, C.

Pious works or good acts which bring man nearer to Allah.

Receiving back a wife who has been divorced, before the period of  'Jddah has fully elapsed.

The prayer of  Muslims consists of Rak 'dt (singular-Rak 'ah), which consists of one standing, one bowing and two prostrations.

Usury, which is of two major kinds: (a) Riha an­ Nasf 'ah, i.e. interest on lent money; (b) Riha Al­ Fadl, i.e. taking a superior thing of the same kind of goods by giving more of the same kind of goods of inferior quality, e.g., dates of superior quality of dates of inferior quality in greater amount. Islam strictly forbids all kinds of usury.

Narration of the Messenger's Hadith    .J "-;!k .&i         ­ License, permit, authorization, warrant concession, franchise; permission, leave of Shari'ah.

The   position   in   Salah   in   which   the   person

Sadd-uz-Zard 'i ' Sahw



Science of Furuq Shabfh

Shahadah Shakk


Shar' or Shari'ah

Shubhah Shuf 'ah



Sujud Sd '

Sadaqah Sawm


Tabarru ' Tabarruk Tdbi ' Tahrfm Takhsfs

prostrates himself in a standing position with his body bent forward at the waist and his hands on his knees.

Prohibition of evasive legal devices.

Forgetting (here it means forgetting how  many Rak 'dt a person has prayed, in which case he should perform two prostration of Sahw).

The Synonym of salaf means a sale in which the price is paid at once for goods to be delivered late. Practically,    it        means                     realizing     the            separative matters between two similar questions.

A similar one. Testimony.

Doubt,  connotes  two  unequal  matters  that  strike man.

Revelation or the canonical law of Islam. Something is not known exactly Halal or Haram or when one depends on an inappropriate proof. "Adjunction" .  The  right  of  pre-emption          is  the power of possessing property  that is for sale. It does         not          apply to         movable         property    but    to immovable property.


A measure that equals four Mudds (3 kg. approx). Charity,  alms,  and  so  on,  or  anything  given  in charity.

Fasting, to abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse before the break of the  dawn  till sunset.

Donation, subsidy, monetary aid, and so on. Seeking Allah's blessing.

A follower, adherent, dependent, etc and so on Prohibition.

Specialization, specification, and so on.

Taklif Taqlfd Taqyfd Tarjfh Taslfm


Obligation or Legal capacity. Imitation in the Fiqh.

Confinement, limitation, restriction, and so on. Favouring means.

On finishing the prayer, one turns one's face to the right and then to the left  saying,  As-Salam 'Alaikum wa Rahmtulldh (Peace and Mercy of Allah be on you).

Confirming the oneness of Allah, the Most-High.

It has three aspects; A, B and C:

Oneness of the Lordship of Allah; Tawhfd-ar­ Rububiyyah: To believe that there is only one Lord for the entire universe, its Creator,  Organizer, Planner, Sustainer, and the Giver of security, and so on, and that is Allah.

(B)   Oneness of the worship of Allah; Tawhfd-Al­ Uluhiyyah: To believe that none has the right to be worshipped [e.g. praying, involving, asking for help (from the unseen), swearing, slaughtering sacrifices, giving charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and so on], but Allah.

(C)    Oneness of the Names and the Qualities of Allah; Tawhfd-Al-Asmd ' was-Sifat: To believe that

: (i) we must not name or qualify Allah  except with what He has or His Messenger i-L_,    .&i                                    has named or qualified him, (ii) none can be named or qualified with the Names or Qualifications of Allah; e.g. Al-Karfm; (iii) we must confirm all Allah's qualifications which Allah has  stated  in His Book (the Qur'an) or mentioned through His Messenger  (Muhammad  i-L_,      .&i                                                                                             ) without changing them or ignoring them completely or twisting the meanings or giving resemblance  to any of the created things; e.g. Allah is present over


His Throne as mentioned in the Qur'an. (V.20:5): "The Most Beneficent (Allah) Istawa (rose over) the (Mighty) Throne" over the  seventh  heaven; and He only comes down over the first (nearest) heaven (to us) during the day of 'Arafat (Hajj, i.e. 9th Dhul-Hijjah) and also during the last third part of the night, as mentioned by the Prophet  "-;!k .&i

..i, but He is with us by His Knowledge only, not by His Personal Self (Be-Dhatih), "There  is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hear, the All-Seer." (The Qur'an, V.42:11).

This  noble Ayah  confirms  the quality  of  hearing and the         quality             of    sight    for   Allah    without resemblance to others; and likewise He also says: "To  one  whom  I  have  created  with  Both  My Hands," (V.38:75); and He also says:

"The Hand of Allah is over their hands." : (V. 48:10,The Qur'an). This confirms two Hands for Allah, but there is no similarity for them.

This is the Faith of all true believers, and was the Faith of all the Prophets of Allah from Noah, Abraham, Moses and Christ till the last of the Prophets, Muhammad   ..i "-;!k .&i

It is also essential to follow Allah's Messenger Muhammad   ..i "-;!k .&i   : Wajib Al-Ittba'  and it is a part of Tawhfd -Al-Ulihyah. This is included in the meanings: "I testify that Muhammad    ..i "-;!k .&i   is the Messenger of Allah" and this  means,  ''None has the right to be followed after Allah's Book (the Qur'an), but Allah's Messenger    ..i "-;!k .&i         ". [see

the Qur'an (V.59:7) and (V.3 :31)].

Sand ablution, to put or strike lightly the hands over clean earth and then pass the palm of each on the back of the other, blow off the dust and then

Tahir or one is in a state of "Tahdrah ", in Fiqhiy meaning

Tawaf Tayibat Usuliyy fn Usul


Usul Al- Fiqh Wajib

Wajib  Mutlaq Walad



pass them over the face. This is performed instead of ablution ( Wudi't ') and Ghusl (in case of Janabah and so on).

A Muslim who cleans and purifies himself from Al-Hadath Al-Akbar (sexual discharge) and Al­ Hadath Al-Asghar (passing urine, stool or wind). Najis (or one is in the state of Najasah) bears the opposite meaning.

The circumambulation  of the Ka'bah. All kinds of Halal  (lawful) things.

Scholars trust texts.

Origin, basis, principles, fundamental  concepts, and so on.

Methodology in Islamic jurisprudence.

Duty, obligation task, assignment, and so on.

An absolute or an unlimited duty, obligation, task, assignment, and so on.

In Arabic connotes male/s and female/s of one's offspring.

Literally means proximity, kin, friendship. A peculiar relationship voluntarily established, and which confers a right of inheritance on one or both parties connected.

Relationship between a master and a manumitted slave, in which the former inherits any property the latter may acquire after emancipation.

Wala'-u al-Muwalah    The connection arising out of mutual friendship,

especially between a Muslim and a convert.

Waliy-Al-  'Amr, Rd 'f or imam Waliy-ul- Waqf Wasiyah

Wilayah Wqaf

A ruler, a legal guardian or an appointee.


A person responsible for endowments. Wills or testaments.

The act of taking as a friend or appointing as heir. Religious endowment,  something is donated for a Zakah

Zakah-Al-Mal Zina


Zahir-ul-Lafz Zihar


Zuhr Zunn

charitable purpose.

A certain fixed proportion of the wealth (2 l/2 %) of every Muslim to be paid yearly for the benefit of the poor in the Muslim  community.  The payment of Zakah is obligatory as it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakah is the major economic means for establishing social justice and  leading the Muslim society to prosperity and security.

A fixed amount of property upon which Zakah is due.

Adultery or fornication. Apparent meaning.

External meaning.

The likening of a woman to kinswomen within the prohibition degrees.

Noon, mid-day prayer is called Zuhr prayer. Conjecture, means that there are two equal matters crossing someone's mind.


The  following  entries,  which  have  the  transliterated  titles  as  they  appear  in  the  entire  thesis (underlined books' titles), have been classified by:

Arabic Sources:

The Noble Qur'an

The Prophetic Traditional Books


Scholars of the past  (may Allah  shower them all with His mercy and grace): according the (A.H, Hijri) date of death of each scholar,

Contemporary scholars (may Allah protect them all)


The Exegesis of the Noble Qur'an

Al-Qurtubi Abu  'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ansfuiy.  Al- Jfuni'le Ahkam Al-Qur'an. Cairo: Daru Ash-Sha'b, Volume 8.





The Prophetic Traditional Books

Abu Dawfid Suliyman Ibn Al-Ash'as As-Sijistatniy  Al-Azdiy. Sunan

Abi   Dawud.  Verified  by  Muhammad  Mohy-ud-Din   'Abdul-Hamid                                                       and authenticated by Nasir-ud-Din Al-Albaniy. Dar Al-Fikr, Volume 4.

'Abdur-Razzaq   Abu   Bakr  ibn  Hammam   as-San'aniy   Musannaf

'Abdur-Razzaq,  chapter:  Sales   15113,  verified  by  Habibur-Rahman                                                                                                       Al­ A'zami. Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islamiy, 2nd. Ed. Vol. 11.

Ad-Daraqotni  'All Ibn  'Umar Abul-Hasan  Al-Bagdadiy.  Sunan  ad-

Daraqotni. Verified by As-Sayyid 'Abdullah Hashim Yamaniy Al-Madaniy. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al-Ma'rifah. Press Volume 4, 1386/1967.

Ad-Dariami 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmam lbn Muhammad. Sunan ad-Darimi.  Verified  by   Fawaz  Ahmad   Zamarlai   and   Khalid   As-Sab'­ Al 'alami and authenticated by Hussein Salim Asad. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al-Kitab Al-'Arabiy Press. Volume 2, 1st. ed.,1407/1987.

 Al-Bukhari  Muhammad   Ibn  Isma'll  Abu   'Abdullah  Al-Ja'fi.  Al- Jami'     As-Sahih     Al-Mukhtasar      (Sahih   Al-Bukhariy).  Verified  by  Dr. Mustafa  Dib Al-Bagha.  Beirut,  Lebanon:  Dar lbn Kathir Press.  Volume 6, 3rd. ed., 1407/1987.

Al-Hakim Muhammad Ibn 'Abdullah Abu 'Abdullah an-Niysaboury. Al-Mustadrak 'ala as-Sahihiyyn. Authenticated by Adh-Dhahabi in "Talkhis Mustadrak 'ala as-Sahihiyyn." and verified by Mustafa 'Abdul-Qadir 'Ata. Beirut,  Lebanon:  Dar  Al-Kutub  Al-'Ilmmiyyah  Press,  Volume  4,  1st.  ed.


At-Trimidhi Muhammad  Ibn 'Isa Abu  'Isa As-Salamiy.  Aj-Jami'As-

Sahih   Sunan   At-Tirmidhi.   Verified   by   Ahmad   shaker   and   others   and authenticated by Nasir-us-Din Al-Albaniy. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Ihya'  At­ Turath Al-'Arabiy Press. Volume 5.

    Ibn Majah Muhammad Ibn Yazid Ibn 'Abdullah Al-Qazwiniy. Sunan Ibn Majah. Verified by Muhammad Fu'ad 'Abdul-Baqi and authenticated by Al-Albani. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al-Fikr Press. Volume 2.

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Abu 'Abdullah Ash-Shiybaniy. Musnad Al-Imam  Ahmad   Ibn  Hanbal.  Authenticated  by  Shu'iyb Al-Arna'ut.  Cairo, Egypt: Qurtubah Foundation Press, Volume 6.

Imam Malik Ibn Anas. Al-Muwatt'. Verified by Muhammad Mustafa

Al-A'zami:     The Zayed